systemc-clang 2.0.0
Parsing SystemC constructs
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1"""transform functions such that have separate the parameters where input and output are separate"""
2from lark import Token
4from parselib.transforms import TopDown
5from ..utils import dprint, is_tree_type
6from ..grammar import UnexpectedHCodeStructureError
7from .name_stub import *
8import copy
12 """
13 Traverse all usage of function calls, convert function names into stubs (for duplicating functions)
14 And add prologue and epilogue for function calls
15 """
28 def hsenslist(self, tree):
29 proc_name = tree.children[0]
30 self.__sense_list_proc_name = proc_name
31 self.__current_module_sense_list[proc_name] = set()
32 self.__push_up(tree)
33 self.__sense_list_proc_name = None
34 return tree
36 def hsensvar(self, tree):
37 self.__current_module_sense_list[self.__sense_list_proc_name].add(tree.children[0])
38 return tree
40 @property
44 @current_module_function_nodes.setter
46 self.__current_functions = val
49 self.__current_process.func_name_stubs.append(FuncNameStub(func))
51 def __search_current_function(self, func_name):
53 if f.children[0] == func_name:
54 return f
55 # try fuzzy search
57 # dprint(f.children[0][:-1] == func_name[:-1])
58 if f.children[0][:-1] == func_name[:-1]:
59 return f
60 raise ValueError(f'Function {func_name} not found')
63 if self.__current_process:
64 if id in self.__current_process.name_stub:
65 return self.__current_process.name_stub[id]
66 else:
67 return None
69 def modportsiglist(self, tree):
70 self.__in_module_scope = True
71 self.__push_up(tree)
72 self.__in_module_scope = False
73 return tree
75 def sigdecltype(self, tree):
76 if self.__in_module_scope:
77 if self.__in_module_scope:
78 var = tree.children[0].children[0]
79 self.__current_module_scope_vars[var] = True
80 return tree
82 def vardeclinit(self, tree):
83 if self.__in_module_scope:
84 if self.__in_module_scope:
85 var = tree.children[0]
86 self.__current_module_scope_vars[var] = True
87 return tree
89 def portdecltype(self, tree):
90 if self.__in_module_scope:
91 if self.__in_module_scope:
92 var = tree.children[0].children[0]
93 self.__current_module_scope_vars[var] = True
94 return tree
96 def hmodule(self, tree):
97 # for t in tree.children:
98 # if isinstance(t, Tree):
99 # dprint(
101 self.__current_module_scope_vars = dict()
102 self.__current_module_sense_list = dict()
104 self.__push_up(tree)
107 self.__current_module = None
108 return tree
110 def hthreadswitch(self, tree):
111 # Note for generated thread function, we will not need a stub
112 self.__current_thread = tree
113 tree.func_name_stubs = []
114 self.__push_up(tree)
115 self.__current_process = None
116 return tree
118 def hprocess(self, tree):
119 self.__current_process = tree # note down the process so that we can add temporary variables later
120 tree.func_name_stubs = []
121 self.__push_up(tree)
122 self.__current_process = None
124 # generate prolog
125 body = None
126 for ch in tree.children:
127 if is_tree_type(ch, 'hcstmt'):
128 body = ch
129 break
130 if len(body.children) == 0:
131 body.children.append(Tree('stmts', children=[]))
132 body = body.children[0]
133 for name, stub in tree.name_stub.items():
134 blkassign = Tree('blkassign', children=[
135 stub.children[0],
136 name
137 ])
138 body.children.insert(0, Tree('stmt', children=[blkassign]))
140 # generate epilog
141 for name, stub in tree.name_stub.items():
142 blkassign = Tree('blkassign', children=[
143 name,
144 stub.children[0]
145 ])
146 body.children.append(Tree('stmt', children=[blkassign]))
147 return tree
149 def hfunctionlocalvars(self, tree):
150 stub_decl = []
151 for name, stub in self.__current_function.name_stub.items():
152 stub_decl.append(
153 Tree('vardeclinit', children=[stub.children[0], stub.children[1]])
154 )
155 for name, tpe in self.__current_function.phantom_vars.items():
156 t = self.strip_io_or_default(tpe)
157 stub_decl.append(
158 Tree('vardeclinit', children=[name, t])
159 )
160 tree.children.extend(stub_decl)
161 return tree
163 def strip_io_or_default(self, tpe):
164 # htypeinfo htype '__func_inout' *args
165 # htypeinfo htype *args
166 t = tpe
167 if tpe.children[0].children[0] in ['__func_inout', 'sc_in']:
168 t = copy.deepcopy(tpe)
169 t.children = t.children[0].children[1:]
170 return t
173 def prevardecl(self, tree):
174 stub_decl = []
175 for name, stub in self.__current_process.name_stub.items():
176 stub_decl.append(
177 Tree('vardecl', children=[
178 Tree('vardeclinit', children=[ stub.children[0], stub.children[1] ])
179 ]))
180 for name, tpe in self.__current_process.phantom_vars.items():
181 t = self.strip_io_or_default(tpe)
182 stub_decl.append(
183 Tree('vardecl', children=[
184 Tree('vardeclinit', children=[name, t])
185 ]))
186 tree.children.extend(stub_decl)
187 return tree
189 def __extract_func_def(self, tree):
190 func_name = tree.children[0]
191 ret_type = None
192 func_params = None
193 local_vars = None
194 func_body = None
195 for child in tree.children[1:]:
196 if == 'hfunctionparams':
197 func_params = child
198 elif == 'hfunctionrettype':
199 ret_type = child
200 elif == 'hfunctionlocalvars':
201 local_vars = child
202 elif == 'hfunctionbody':
203 func_body = child
204 return func_name, ret_type, func_params, local_vars, func_body
207 # dprint(tree)
208 # dprint(hasattr(tree, 'original_name'))
209 if hasattr(tree, 'phantom_var'):
210 return tree.phantom_var
211 elif isinstance(tree, str):
212 return tree
213 elif hasattr(tree, 'original_name'):
214 return tree.original_name
215 return tree.children[0]
217 @property
219 if self.__current_process:
220 return self.__current_process
221 elif self.__current_function:
222 return self.__current_function
223 elif self.__current_thread:
224 return self.__current_thread
225 else:
226 return None
229 self.current_scope_object.func_name_stubs.append(FuncNameStub(func))
231 def check_blocking(self, var_name):
232 in_global_scope = var_name in self.__current_module_scope_vars
233 # A method might be called in another function
234 if self.__current_process is not None:
235 proc_name = self.__current_process.children[0]
236 in_sens_list = var_name in self.__current_module_sense_list[proc_name]
237 else:
238 in_sens_list = False
239 if not in_global_scope or (in_global_scope and in_sens_list):
240 return True
241 else:
242 return False
246 def hmethodcall(self, tree):
247 # process children
248 # Careful... this might cause issue
249 self.__push_up(tree)
250 # we translate methods manually
251 # dprint(tree.pretty())
252 orig_len = len(tree.children)
255 # tree.children = [
256 # self.hmethodcall(x) if is_tree_type(x, 'hmethodcall') else x for x in tree.children
257 # ] # for other vars, we will need to process the stubs
258 # self.__push_up(tree)
259 # dprint(tree.pretty())
260 func_name = tree.children[0]
262 orig_func_name = func_name
263 # dprint('Before: ', func_name)
264 func_node = self.__search_current_function(func_name)
265 func_name, ret_type, func_params, local_vars, func_body = self.__extract_func_def(func_node)
266 # dprint('After: ', func_name)
267 extra_args = []
268 func_args = tree.children[1:]
269 if func_params is not None:
270 for idx, _ in func_params.io_params:
271 arg = self.__extract_id_from_func_arg(func_args[idx])
272 stub = self.current_scope_object.name_stub[arg]
273 extra_args.append(Tree('hvarref', children=[stub.children[0]]))
274 tree.children.extend(extra_args)
275 # fuzzy
276 if orig_func_name != func_name:
277 tree.children[0] = func_name
278 for idx in range(orig_len):
279 arg = tree.children[idx]
280 if idx == 0:
281 continue
282 if is_tree_type(arg, 'hmethodcall'):
283 self.hmethodcall(arg)
284 elif isinstance(arg, str) and self.check_blocking(arg):
285 stub = self.__get_current_process_stub(arg)
286 if stub:
287 tree.children[idx] = stub.children[0]
288 # dprint(tree.pretty())
289 return tree
291 def hfunctionparams(self, tree):
292 self.__push_up(tree)
293 return tree
296 tree.children[1].children[0].children[0] = 'sc_in'
299 if id in self.__func_param_stubs:
300 return self.__func_param_stubs[id]
301 return id
303 def __extract_func_id(self, tree):
304 if is_tree_type(tree, 'func_param_name_stub'):
305 return tree.children[0]
306 return tree
308 def hvarref(self, tree):
309 if hasattr(tree, 'func_repl_id'):
310 tree.original_name = tree.children[0]
311 tree.children[0] = self.__get_func_param_stub(self.__extract_func_id(tree.children[0]))
312 else: # check for stub in process
313 stub = self.__get_current_process_stub(tree.children[0])
314 if stub:
315 tree.original_name = tree.children[0]
316 tree.children[0] = stub.children[0]
318 return tree
320 def harrayref(self, tree):
321 self.__push_up(tree)
322 return tree
324 def hfunction(self, tree):
325 tree.func_name_stubs = []
326 self.__current_function = tree
327 func_name, ret_type, func_params, local_vars, func_body = self.__extract_func_def(tree)
328 extra_params = []
329 self.__func_param_stubs = dict()
330 if func_params is not None:
331 for idx, par in func_params.io_params:
332 tpe = func_params.children[idx].children[1]
333 # dprint(func_params.children[idx].pretty())
334 stub = FuncParamNameStub(par, copy.deepcopy(tpe))
335 extra_params.append(stub)
336 self.__change_type_to_funcinput(func_params.children[idx])
337 self.__func_param_stubs[par] = stub
338 if extra_params:
339 # NOTE: this condition must be present as it implies that func_params is not None
340 func_params.children.extend(extra_params)
341 for assignment in tree.assignments:
342 pass
343 # dprint(assignment.pretty())
344 self.__push_up(tree)
345 self.__current_function = None
346 return tree
__push_up(self, current_node)